Upstream Participates in TISAX, Accelerating Customer Onboarding & Ensuring Data Protection


Chief Information Security Officer

February 28, 2024

In the fast-evolving landscape of the automotive industry, ensuring robust information security practices is paramount. Recognizing the significance of TISAX, the Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange, Upstream participated in the process to streamline information security assessments and promote collaboration within the automotive sector.

TISAX has become a strategic requirement in the automotive realm, serving as a platform for assessing, improving, and sharing information security standards. Its purpose is to simplify the assessment process and minimize redundancy in security audits. The TISAX assessment enables technology vendors to showcase their commitment to information security posture, ultimately fostering transparency within the partner and customer ecosystem.

Upstream recently participated in the TISAX assessment, highlighting its commitment to the Automotive and Smart Mobility ecosystem

In addition to information security standards such as SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015, and ISO/IEC 27001:2013, Upstream completed the TISAX assessment, following a robust and rigorous process. The assessment results are shared exclusively within the TISAX community through a secure platform, ensuring confidentiality yet offering transparency to the community.

The advantages of TISAX expand beyond transparency, enabling customers and partners to rapidly evaluate Upstream’s solution suite and technology, ensure advanced data protection measurements that are critical in the Automotive industry, accelerate deployment, and ensure fast time-to-security.

Time and resource savings

By participating in TISAX, Upstream sidesteps the need for multiple individual and time-consuming security audits from various business partners and customers. This not only saves time but also optimizes the allocation of resources.

Trust and transparency

TISAX promotes trust and transparency by offering a standardized approach to information security assessments. Upstream’s commitment to these practices is highlighted through TISAX compliance, establishing a foundation of trust with potential and existing partners as well as technology and MSSP partners.

Efficient collaboration

TISAX facilitates secure information sharing within the Automotive and Mobility ecosystem. This enables Upstream to collaborate more efficiently with customers and partners, fostering faster innovation and improved time-to-security for connected vehicles and mobility assets.

Competitive advantage

As a cloud-based and agentless platform, Upstream leverages massive amounts of connected vehicle data. This approach offers a holistic perspective to vehicle cybersecurity offering near real-time monitoring, detection, and response. Ensuring our customers and partners that we handle data with the highest levels of sensitivity and security is critical. The TISAX compliance showcases Upstream’s commitment to information security and data protection.

With connected vehicles continuously evolving and new cyber risks emerging, rapid customer onboarding and data protection are a top priority. The TISAX compliance is more than a regulatory requirement—it’s a strategic advantage. By embracing TISAX, Upstream not only streamlines its information security and data protection assessments but also reinforces its position as a trusted partner in the Automotive and Mobility ecosystem.

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